A real choice, with a clear voice.
What our slogan means for you.
The Homeless Epidemic is a nationwide societal issue. It is a complex multi-faceted problem that has been increasing in the past years. We must deal with it on a regional basis so that we do not become more attractive than other cities to the homeless.
Manteca has always been a very generous community.
Be Apart of team
Team Halford / Endorsments
Former Mayor Jack Snyder
• Former Mayor Willie Weatherford,• Former Mayor Steve DeBrum,
• Retired Chief Dave Bricker,
•Retired Chief Nick Obligacion
•Marion and Mona Elliott, •Steve & Frona Winter, •Retired Fire Chief Chris Haas,
•Retired Fire Chief Kirk Waters,
•Retired Fire Chief George Quaresma,
•Vern Gebhardt, Member, San Joaquin Board of Education
•Ken Vogel, President San Joaquin Board of Education, •Tom Patti, Member Board of Supervisors San Joaquin County,
• Bob Elliott,Member Board of Supervisors San Joaquin County,
•Manteca Police Officers Association
Our City, Our Business
I believe the city needs to be fiscally responsible, managing their (our) finances in a prudent informed reasonable manner. The city, the City Council,
needs to remember that they are spending the public’s tax money, money that they worked hard to earn.
Why Manteca
What our city needs and what we can do.
Future of our City
Small town, but not so small business.