Contact Me / Team Halford
Email : charlieformantecacc@gmail.com
Website : CharlieHalford.com
Phone : (123)456 - 789000
Address : Manteca, CA
The Homeless Epidemic is a nationwide societal issue. It is a complex multi-faceted problem that has been increasing in the past years. We must deal with it on a regional basis so that we do not become more attractive than other cities to the homeless. Manteca has always been a very generous community. Hope Family Ministries is a great example of that generosity, providing shelter to women and children in need. They have great programs for women and children and families and have helped many to get back on their feet.
The Police Department has two officers dedicated to working with the homeless both trying to get them to the services they need or reuniting them with their families. They have helped to get many off the street, however there is much more to do. They also address the illegal conduct of the homeless. They are limited in what they can do, due to the Governors Executive Order, the directive of the District Attorney and the Supreme Court Case which prohibits the arrest of homeless sleeping on pubic property if there are to shelter beds available for them.
As we know, nobody wants a shelter near them. However, we as a city, will in the future have to determine a place to have a shelter. The City Council has acted, moving forward with a navigation center/shelter at the former Qualex Building in the Industrial Park. It will be an expensive proposition. There are significant repairs that need to be made to the building in addition to the cost of acquisition. It is a large building, probably larger than is needed. I am concerned that the cost of acquisition and repairs and the ongoing cost of operating and maintaining the facility will make it too expensive.
I believe we need to take a regional approach, working with San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties and all the cities to develop a comprehensive regional approach to the homeless problem, including shelters and getting the needed services to the homeless.